Saturday, 25 April 2015

Blog #2

Lets look at the income data and see how the dashboard helps us to anylasis this data in dept. By using the dashboard it helps express data more clearly, and makes it easy to retrieve and grain information.

These following are the five questions that show how using the dashboard and visualizations help us to express the data in everyday life.

Graph #1
1)Which county has the most number of tax returns?
    Attribution and Metrics: County and number of returns.
Visaulization – Vertical Bar – Clustered

Reason: We choose this graph was because it clearly helps us display the information easily. We horizontal axis displays the county names and the vertical axis displays the number of returns. In the graph we can clearly see that California has the highest tax return.

Graph #2
2)Which county has the low income?
Attribution and Metrics: Country and wages and salaries income.
Visualization: Vertical line – Stacked

Reason: Reason I choose this graph was because it beautifully shows the fluctuation on the graph. It is also simple and easy to understand. The horizontal axis has the wages and salaries income and the vertical axis has the county names. The results was that Atchison County had the lowest wages and salaries.

Graph #3
3) Which county code has the most interest received?
    Attribution and Metrics: Interest received and country postal code.
Visualization: Vertical Area – Absolute 

Reason: This graph is virtually great and effective for this data. The horizontal axis has the interest received and the vertical axis has the county postal code. The result is that code 3 has the most interest received.

Graph #4
4) How does the gross income relate to the adjusted gross income?
   Attribution and Metrics: Gross income and adjusted gross income.
 Visualization: Heat map

Reason: The heat map shows the highest and lowest percentages. The heat map is easy to understand. The colours make the data standout and it also does the ranking. Higher percentages are green and lower percentages are red.

Graph #5
5) What county has the most number of exemptions by their county FIBS CODE?
    Attribution and Metrics: Number of exemptions and FIBS code

Monday, 30 March 2015

Income Tax Dashboard

The data set our enterprise/activity represents is for income tax. Our goal/mission for this dashboard is to allow customers to see information about their income tax for the year. We also want to make the dashboard easy to read, show them real time data, and allow customers to see current statuses and historical trends of our organizations performance.

The five questions we had asked ourselves for our data set was strictly based upon our customers and their income tax because that is the only way we could reflect on the goals we had set for our enterprise. These five questions will help our customers find what they are looking for, and what they need help with.

1)      Which county has the most number of tax returns?
Attribution and Metrics: County and number of returns
2)      Which county has the low income?
Attribution and Metrics: Country and wages and salaries income
3)      Which county code has the most interest received?
Attribution and Metrics: Interest received and country postal code
4)      How does the gross income relate to the adjusted gross income?
Attribution and Metrics: Gross income and adjusted gross income
5)      What county has the most number of exemptions by their county FIBS code
Attribution and Metrics: Number of exemptions and FIBS code 

Have you ever used a Income Dashboard before? Please let us know how your experience went and things you did not like about that specific dashboard. 

What Is A Dashboard

A dashboard, in other words is called a Management Information System (MIS). Dashboards are illustrated as one of the most significant forms of communications. It helps the business society as dashboard are an easy read, usually single page, consist user updates, and demonstrates visual presentation.

Dashboard in business intelligence are extremely effective as it visually displays numerical data such as statues of metrics for an enterprise. In addition, key performance indicators (KPI) is a significant tool performance of enterprise. KPI is important in dashboards business intelligence as it displays goals and measures that enterprise must strive to achieve.

Dashboards are a great tool to use when dealing with big data because dashboard allow to organize data in such a way that it becomes very efficient to find information and pleasant to use.

Dashboards are useful in businesses because they play many roles in everyday businesses and enterprises. Dashboards have many uses in them such as visually displaying numerical data and key performance which are very useful information sources enterprises and companies use. Dashboards are also a easy read, usually single page, consist user updates, and demonstrates visual presentation.

If you have any questions regarding dashboards or how you can make your very own dashboard, feel free to comment down below.